chats to Michael Lees, licensing partnerships manager at The FA Group, about the Liones
We’ll be back on Thursday 2 January 2025… until then, we round up some catches up with Fanatics’ svp international business development, Matthew Primack, to find out m
With the 2020 sports calendar effectively ripped up, what does this mean for sports licensi
Start Licensing’s Ian Downes is reminded of old hobbies by a number of new licens
The FA’s Damian Treece, on why we’re at a tipping point for women’s football.
The FA and Fanatics have inked a long-term renewal and expansion to their wide-ranging reta
Source sits in the dugout with The FA’s Damian Treece to talk licensing tactics.
Harry Kane 3 Lions aftershave anyone? BLE’s Anna Knight thinks it could be possible.