Start Licensing’s Ian Downes reports back on a productive two days at last week’s Aut
ToyTopic’s Ashley Holman discusses laying the foundations for 2026 and beyond, and rolling ou
New two-year publishing deal will see the company launch the Sonic the Hedgehog Tin
The deal sees 22 half-hour episodes and one hour-long special come to Nickelodeon in
Following a successful launch across retail in the UK and Ireland, SEGA and ToyTopic
SEGA has teamed with internationally famed artist, Romero Britto to debut artworks and consumer produ
SEGA is venturing into the golf entertainment space with its Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, team
Start Licensing’s Ian Downes checks out some examples of the evolving design work in
Kids Insights on the importance of getting your YouTube and social media content strategy right.