Banijay Rights has teamed up with UK-based developer Tactile Games for the launch o
Start Licensing’s Ian Downes spies a number of good news stories for Licensing PLC t
LicensingSource catches up with Banijay Brands’ Jane Smith to talk MasterChef, Peaky Blinders, strong
“We are thrilled to see Simon’s Cat, one of our leading brands, enter into
Leila will be responsible for executing Banijay Rights’ licensing and merchandising strategy across key bra
Simon’s Cat and Beacon Music (part of Banijay Brands) have joined forces to releas
A raft of special content and products will be launched to mark the 15th annivers
Under the agreement, Tactile Games has licensed the gaming rights for the brand fo
Banijay Brands is also co-sponsor of this year’s Licensing Expo opening party (held on