Start Licensing’s Ian Downes has good things to report back from a visit to WHSm
With new licences on board, an industry-leading creative team in place and a can-do cultu
Start Licensing’s Ian Downes heads to The Big Christmas Press Show and discovers how licen
PUMA and Sanrio have struck a new partnership, creating a collection that channels the ‘9
Our regular column sharing the latest on retail trends comes fresh from the team’s vi
Global learning and engagement platform, Kahoot is collaborating with Sanrio and its characters – includ
In celebration of its 50th anniversary, Hello Kitty recently partnered with the Téléthon 2024
LicensingSource chats to Eva Brännström, evp at Plus Licens, about her 40 years in
Brand Alliance’s Rob Broadhurst talks success with Hello Kitty and her fellow stablemates, plus expans