Launching on Friday 14 February, players can unlock exclusive Care Bear cosmetics in the pa
Maurizio Distefano Licensing’s Maurizio Distefano on growing the agency’s kidult brands, plus food and dr
With Licensed Toys now representing over a third (35%) of all UK toy sales, popu
The partnership – negotiated by Bulldog Licensing – will set the stage for a ra
The Barbie Cutie Reveal Care Bears Series features Barbie and Chelsea dolls dressed as th
Global brand distributor, Unisnacks is launching the first ever UK beverage for Cloudco Entertainment’s C
Start Licensing’s Ian Downes on how we are all fans of something, and in licens
Cloudco Entertainment has collaborated with Forever Entertainment and Polygoat to bring the Care Bears br
WildBrain and Cloudco Entertainment are bringing the two popular 1980s kids’ brands together fo