LicensingSource finds out how, following key investment, the online retailer has big plans to g
Virtual brand immersion event is a hit with licensees and retailers as new deals
The Dove Self-Esteem Project is extending its programme to a younger audience, in partnership w
Children across the UK can watch the children’s character, Blippi, explore their home turf t
Moonbug Entertainment has appointed former Riot Games and Activision Blizzard executive, Ashley Maidy as
Through a strategic partnership with Taiwan Mobile, Moonbug is integrating resources from Taiwan Mobile includ
With the expansion into Western Europe, the Moonbug Channel is now available in 83 differ
“With Blippi’s Playground we are expanding the Blippi franchise into an entirely new medium, provid
The new Roo & You kids’ furniture collaboration features CoComelon- and Blippi-inspired versions of