Gift, party, stationery and arts and crafts licensee, A2V has secured a new deal w
Miraculous Corp – the joint venture between Mediawan and ZAG – has appointed Big Pict
Dan Frugtniet, md of Big Picture Licensing, has worked with numerous Russian and Ukrainian busines
The company has appointed Big Picture Licensing to support and represent Seminal as an introdu
Louis Kennedy is bringing the emoji brand together with Smile Train to further help fu
“This partnership with Big Picture Licensing marks a thrilling new chapter for emoji.”
“We have always looked for unique IP from different parts of the world; when
London-based creative studio, Jolly Exciting has appointed Big Picture Licensing to represent its A.W.A (Ali
WildBrain has partnered with Ukrainian kids’ producer Glowberry to bring the Brave Bunnies preschool br